Physical Education and Sports
Physical Education and Sports are central to the educational programme at GEMS Jumeirah Primary School. We seek to educate the whole child and Physical Education forms an integral part of the whole school curriculum. It allows students to develop physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. They learn to work as part of a team, to recognise the abilities of others and to have an enjoyable learning experience.
Physical Education at GEMS Jumeirah Primary School aims to help children to:
- Develop confidence and ability in a range of physical skills and activities in an exciting, safe and enjoyable environment
- Learn to co-operate and work with others in group and team situations
- Gain an understanding of the role that Physical Education has on their health, wellbeing and lifestyle
- Develop an understanding of fair play and to accept winning and defeat with equal dignity
- Promote sports and activity as a healthy and enjoyable pastime and encourage participation in physical activity both within and outside of school.
The Physical Education department is very well-resourced and the school’s facilities include a shaded 25metre swimming pool, an infant learning pool, a state of the art 3G Astro-turf all-weather pitch, tennis and netball courts, a large indoor gymnasium and a large additional indoor Sports Hall.
The Physical Education department comprises highly-qualified specialist staff with extensive knowledge and skills across the curriculum.
Physical Education fits well into the whole structure of sport at GEMS Jumeirah Primary School, providing foundations and confidence for children of all abilities to pursue their chosen sports through the extensive After-School Activities (ASA) Programme. This includes a wide range of sporting ASA’s, which are open to all, and also a wide range of competitive sports squads. Many children within the squad programme have the opportunity to compete with other schools from across the region at prestigious events held by the Determination Cup and Special Olympics UAE, DASSA, the Middle East Unity Cup, the GEMS Sports Series, The World School Games and BSME sporting leagues.
Additional Sporting Opportunities, Events and Tours
In addition to the broad and balanced PE curriculum and the extensive extra-curricular programme and inclusive squads, students also have access to whole school events, overseas excursions and an enrichment development program:
- Enrichment Swimming (FS1-2)
- Swimming Development Squads (Years 1 and 2)
- House Swimming Galas (Years 4 - 6)
- Open Swimming Days (FS1, FS2 and Years 1-3)
- Sports Days (FS1 – Year 6)
- Annual Celebration of Sports Awards (Years 3 - 6)
- Inter-House Sports Competitions (Years 3-6)
- Overseas excursions - Skiing and Multi-Sports (Years 4-6)
- Sports Leadership Program (Years 5-6)
PE in the Foundation Stage
In FS1 and FS2, students receive two thirty minute PE lessons; one with their class teacher and one in the swimming pool with a PE specialist teacher. At this early stage of learning, focus is placed on developing students’ motor skills, such as running, jumping and balancing and developing their water confidence, which they can build upon in subsequent years.
PE in Year 1 and Year 2
Students in Year 1 and Year 2 receive two forty minute PE lessons, both taught by a PE specialist teacher, per week; one in the swimming pool and one based in our Sports Hall or outside on the Astro Turf. Focus is placed on building upon the foundations gained in FS1 and FS2 and the students’ ability to perform more complex movements and basic skills in more structured games/activities.
The PE curriculum for students in Year 1 and Year 2 covers the following units: Swimming, Gymnastics, Ball Skills, Athletics, Striking and Fielding (with a Rounders and Cricket focus) and fun Invasion Games, building on their gross motor skills and their ability to confidently work independently and within a team.
PE in Year 3 and Year 4
In Year 3 and Year 4, students receive two forty minute lessons, both taught by PE specialist teachers, per week, with girls and boys taught separately within most units. At this stage of their learning, students are becoming more independent learners, increasing their knowledge and understanding of individual sports and being introduced to a wider variety of physical activities.
The PE curriculum for students in Year 3 and Year 4 covers the following units: Swimming, Football, Basketball, Netball (girls only), Rugby (boys only), Athletics, Net and Wall Games (Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball), Cricket (boys only), Rounders, Aesthetics (Gymnastics/Dance), Lacrosse and Hockey.
PE in Year 5 and Year 6
In Year 5 and Year 6, students receive two fifty minute lessons, both taught by PE specialist teachers, per week, with girls and boys taught separately within most units. At this stage of their learning, students are exploring more complex skills, techniques and tactics and are acquiring sound knowledge of the rules that govern activities. Students have developed the tools needed to actively participate in activities and now greater emphasis is placed on students performing in more competitive, yet supportive, environments.
The PE curriculum for students in Year 5 and Year 6 covers the following units: Swimming, Football, Basketball, Netball (girls only), Rugby (boys only), Athletics, Net and Wall Games (Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball), Cricket (boys only), Rounders, Aesthetics (Gymnastics/Dance), Water Polo, Lifesaving Skills, Lacrosse and Hockey.