A high quality Mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation for the beauty and power of mathematics and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
GEMS Jumeirah Primary School teaches a bespoke curriculum. Using the Mathematics curriculum of England, tailored with the latest research of Mathematics Mastery from the National Centre for the Excellence of Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) and the Shanghai approach, the focus is on securing a greater depth of understanding in the subject. The children are provided with opportunities to develop their ability to calculate fluently, to reason and solve problems through application of knowledge and transferable skills. Mathematics is essential to everyday life so real-life application is incorporated through cross curricular links, particularly with STEAM. This gives the children an opportunity to see purpose within Mathematics and use real-life examples to deepen their understanding and inform them of the necessity for mathematics in everyday life.
Mathematics at GEMS Jumeirah Primary school is taught in mixed ability groups. By doing so, the school aims to provide more personalised opportunities for all children to achieve their potential. This is achieved through careful and thorough planning of the whole unit of work, as well as modelled teaching and differentiated activities. At GEMS Jumeirah Primary School, children are encouraged to take ownership of their learning by giving them the autonomy, together with teacher guidance, where necessary, to move through the learning activities at a challenging pace appropriate to their current level of understanding against the learning objective. Children work independently and collaboratively, in pairs and groups, which exposes all children to a higher level of vocabulary and reasoning and provides opportunities for children to be supported and to be supporters of their peers. Lessons are carefully planned and questions differentiated using the Bloom's language of learning to develop higher order thinking skills and depth of understanding to ensure that tasks match individual needs.
The annual JPS Maths Day celebrates the subject of mathematics and provides the children with an exciting opportunity to showcase their mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding within a different purposeful context.