Primary Phase
The curriculum for the Primary Phase is lively, engaging and designed to meet the needs of all our pupils. We aim to develop creative, confident and inquisitive learners, who are ready to progress onto the next stage of learning by the end of the Primary Phase.
Highly qualified subject specialists teach Physical Education and Swimming, Music, Arabic, French and Islamic (to our Muslim students) in designated, well-resourced facilities and dedicated sessions enhance the curriculum delivery of subjects by classroom teachers. In Years 4 to 6, a specialist Science teacher works alongside the Class Teacher to make the ‘Science Lab’ sessions explorative and investigation-focused. A specialist French teacher teaches the Modern Foreign Language programme in Key Stage 2 and additional expert provision is made for native French speakers in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
To ensure learning is meaningful and to increase opportunities for the application of knowledge, skills and understanding in real-life contexts, teachers make links across the curriculum wherever possible. Activities are planned and delivered to maximise first-hand experiences and to respond to children’s learning strengths. Visitors to school and external visits and residential trips to different places of interest enrich the curriculum each term.
Full time teaching assistants in Years 1 to 3 and shared specialist teaching assistants in Years 4 to 6 support learning to ensure all children have excellent opportunities to access all aspects of the curriculum and achieve their full potential.