Medical Department
Two highly qualified Dubai Health Authority registered nurses and a full-time doctor staff the JPS School Clinic. As well as administering first aid, the JPS medical team provide a range of services such as health and nutritional education, developmental screening and they co-ordinate the Dubai Health Authority school immunisation programmes.
The JPS School Clinic, located on the left-hand side of the Admin corridor, just before the entrance to the Main Hall, is equipped to deal with all minor and major injuries. Within the Clinic, there are two hospital beds, a separate medical examinations room, shower room with baby changing facilities, a waiting area for children and health screening equipment, which includes visual screening aids for vision testing. Up-to-date school health records are stored within the Clinic for ease of access.
In the event of any medical emergency, clear protocols are in place to ensure safe and efficient management, to allow the best possible care for each child.