High Performance Learning
In July 2019, GEMS Jumeirah Primary School, along with three other GEMS schools, joined an elite list to become a member of the Fellowship of High Performance Learning Schools. JPS had previously met demanding standards to complete HPL’s rigorous two-year ‘World Class School Award’ scheme and achieved the prestigious status based on exceptional and consistent performance over the years across a number of different parameters, including teaching standards of the very highest quality, rigorous curriculum and assessment, outstanding school leadership and engagement with the wider school community.
The High Performance Learning Framework forms the foundation for decisions made about pedagogy and curriculum here at JPS and is central to our ethos. Teachers have high expectations of all children who are given opportunities to perform highly - we believe these opportunities and high expectations is the achievable reality for many and should not be reserved for the few.
HPL is a framework of twenty characteristics that students need to develop to be high performing learners. The characteristics are grouped into the ACPs (‘How we think’) and the VAAs (‘How we behave’) and are developed by our highly-skilled teachers through our curriculum and wider school community.
Since then, JPS has supported GEMS Founders Al Barsha in completing the HPL Foundation Award and have started mentoring the trainers for GEMS Founders Al Mizhar in beginning their HPL Foundation Award journey.
Deborah Eyre
"High Performance Learning is for good schools who want to ensure that more of their students reach the highest standards," - Deborah Eyre, Founder and Chair of High Performance Learning
Here at JPS we have developed characters and stories to make it easier for our learners to recognize the learner competencies and develop their understanding and use of them.

Central to our HPL stories is Sab’a the Camel, a hapless creature who gets into all sorts of predicaments and doesn’t know what to do! Then along come his friends, all of whom are animals native to the UAE. His friends all have particular talents (well-developed competencies) and articulate how they are going to use their competency to help him and teach him how to improve.
One of the keys to successful implementation of the High Performance Framework is the importance of a shared language of learning and the stories have been instrumental in embedding this at JPS.