Moral, Social and Cultural Studies

Moral, Social and Cultural Studies At Jumeirah Primary School

The Moral, Social and Cultural Studies curriculum at JPS aims to develop morally strong individuals who exhibit the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours to make sense of the world around them and thrive as happy, successful and responsible global citizens. 

At JPS, Moral, Social and Cultural Studies is a core subject delivered in two separate 50-minute lessons to all learners (‘Social Studies’ Y1 - Y6 and ‘Moral Education’ Y2 - Y6). Teachers use the objectives from the Ministry of Education to plan clearly-structured and well-planned lessons that are progressive and ensure efficient coverage of all learning outcomes.  


The two subject areas are broken down into the following areas:

Moral, Social and Cultural Studies

In lessons, and through relevant home-learning projects, we provide children with opportunities to make connections to their prior learning, their personal experiences and current affairs, both locally and globally. Teachers skillfully ensure that children experience, understand, interpret and engage with the topics specified whilst linking them in meaningful ways to other areas of the curriculum.

Staff are encouraged to use their wide knowledge and experience to plan creative and engaging lessons that address the range of learning styles in the class. Children demonstrate their understanding of what is taught in a variety of ways that include, but are not restricted to: writing, drawing, use of technology, drama and presenting. Lessons also include opportunities for collaboration, teamwork and project-based learning.

Valuable off-site trips, in-school curriculum celebration days and special visitors are planned for all year groups to give the children engaging, memorable and meaningful learning experiences.

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